25 December, 2008

A walk at Crimbo

Its Christmas Day! (Merry Chistmas by the way) and after being at home for a couple of hours opening presents, the family and me decided to take a stroll in Bushy Park on this sunny but very fresh morning.
The first thing to note was a group of about 20 Meadow Pipits that I accidently flushed (a Bushy Park lifer). In the park gardens, I noticed Parakeets feeding on the floor (activity I have never seen before), so I decided to take a few (bad) shots of it.

Coming in to land.....

Perched on a branch...

The Red Deer also put on a show and I managed to capture two males locking horns with each other.

The losing male (on the right) then came down to the river to drink, less than 3 metres from me

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