The first thing we saw was a Pied Wagtail, closer inspection revealed the poor little guy had a problem with one of his eyes- maybe an infection? It didn't look too good and wasn't moving...

To my relief, the bird soon perked up, began to move about and act like colourful male Pied Wagtails should.

So... I've got Pied Wagtail and Grey Wagtail, all I need now is Yellow Wagtail!
Whilst waiting for the Yellow Wagtail to turn up, I watched Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Siskins, Coal tits, Jays, Lapwings and much more as they enjoyed the sun.
I was quite surprised and pleased to find 3 Buzzards circle above the Temperate House. They were very high up but I like the colours on this shot of the sky as the light faded.

A Kestrel was also hunting in a nearby field

The clocks have changed and its now getting dark at 8pm instead of 3pm, so make the most of these light evenings... I know I will; just found out I've got a nature reserve near where I live. I'll definitly check it out and report back to you how I get on.
Happy Birding!
Billy, the Wisley gardens are home to a minimum of 30 species all year round. It's worth looking out for Sparrowhawk, Kingfisher & Grey Wagtail(overlook the river at the Pump House). THe 'Wild Garden' & the Wildlife Area (beyond the Pinetum) good for warblers. Battleston Hill for Nuthatch & Treecreepers. House Martins & Bats also nest there. We keep a monthly list of bird sightings in The Plant Center so if you visit again just ask for me. Regards Frank.
Hi Billy
That will be good if Frank shows you where some of the birds are in Wisley, so we can expect some great photographs.
Phil and I love the way you have your changed your header photographs and added the background of the Surrey Hills, (we think that is what it is?)
The photo of the heron with the fish in its mouth is great. Do you enter your photographs in any competitions?
Phil- I'll try and remember to ask for you when I next go there ;)
Jackie- Thanks for the kind comments and I'm glad you two enjoy the blog!
The photo in the banner is the south downs.
I am hoping to enter some of my photos into a Richmond Park competition soon, I'll tell you how I get on.
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