The most exciting find of the evening was a Buzzard which cirled above the hill before gliding off in the direction of our house... not bad considering its the second time I've been there!

Walking up the hill which has no name- maybe I should call it 'The Hill'... yeah, that sounds good. Ok, walking up 'The Hill' I spotted a lone Daffodil in a field, apparently the site is renowned for its wildflower meadow and holds such species as Cuckoo flower and Pyramidal Orchid... never hear of them!
View from the top of the hill...
Then it was into the woodland where everything suddenly came alive; at least 5 or 6 Chiffchaffs were chiff chaffing away and 2 Blackcaps were singing their heart out. I watched Blackbirds, Mistle thrushes, Long tailed tits and Great tits as they explored possible nests and even a Nuthatch blasted out that wierd call from somewhere high in an oak tree.
What a great evening and here's to a great new local patch!
Hi Billy great blog, sounds an ideal place for you to visit for a short time to relax during your studying, especially when it is so near to where you live.
Have a good Easter weekend.
Jackie & Phil.
It sure is a great little place to visit! Thanks for the comments and I hope you have a great easter!
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