The lawn hasn't been cut in over a month, and as a result has become awash with colour from the small, unassuming wild flowers that are beginning to appear. Having spent the past couple of months fascinating over the plants that have colonised the alley way adjacent to our student house (
here and
here), it's been uplifting to witness the pulling power that they have on pollinating invertebrates - a power that is completely destroyed the minute a strimmer goes over them.
In recent years, wildlife has taken a front seat in the conscience of the average middle-class gardener, not least due to greater publicity surrounding the declines of many of our iconic species. Wildflowers which were previously considered to be intrusive garden pests are now seen as important sources of nectar for bees, and more of us than ever are setting aside untamed areas where grass is allowed to grow tall - we're learning to live with nature in urbania.
They're not weeds, they're wildflowers.
Procumbent Yellow-sorrel |
Thyme-leaved Speedwell |
Lesser Trefoil |
Common Mouse-ear |
Dove's-foot Cranesbill |
Unfortunately, it's a mindset that hasn't quite reached the local council yet - below is the view from the main entrance to Stokes Field the other day. The flattened grass on either side of the dirt path would have been a vibrant mix of Cow Parsley, Wood Avens and Herb Robert a couple of weeks ago.
Path widening my ass. |
I really hate the cutting of road verges as well.
Ditto - in most cases it's just totally unnecessary.
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