15 February, 2015

Skokholm scenery

Some lost snaps from my time spent as a long-term volunteer on Skokholm in 2014, a magical little island off the Pembrokeshire coast full of wild things... 

Fulmars in the sun

Looking out to Grassholm

Cliff-top greenery

Dawn at the farm

The jagged red sandstone cliffs of the north coast

Late evening sun lighting up the Pembrokeshire coast

Sea Mayweed in August

 Looking out towards mainland Pembrokeshire from the north cliffs

Grassholm Gannet colony

Skokholm from a dingy

Gulley streams filling after a thunderstorm

Three of 300 Small Tortoiseshells feeding on Water Mint in a stream during a late-summer butterfly influx

A Manx Shearwater fledgeling, succumbed to Puffinosis

Islanders twitching an Icterine Warbler

Drawing straws to decide who would ring the Icterine Warbler

Sunset over Grassholm

Weird, cool rock formations

Sunset over Grassholm

Golden-hair lichen (Teloschistes flavicans), one of the rarest lichens in Britain

Lichen wall

More to come! 

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