17 February, 2015

(More) Skokholm scenery!

Time to reminisce some more...

Autumn sunset

Dusk on the cliffs 

Another autumn sunset

Counting Manx Shearwaters at dusk

Moth trap in situ

Skokholm's only beach

Walking on Skokholm's only beach

Moth pots at the ready

Stormy seas

Some funny little bird looking out to sea

Sea Campion

A lichenologist's dream


Sky rainbow

A break in the clouds

Change over day

Fantastic rollie pollie slope


  1. Beautiful photos! I am very excited to say that I have also been offered a place on Skokholm this summer (July-Sept)! I have to thank you as your blog posts on your time there in part inspired me to apply :)


  2. Many congrats Rachelle! Summer on Skok is something special and I can guarantee you'll have a magical time! So glad those posts gave you some inspiration to apply!

    Enjoy :)
