Surely it can't be three weeks since I last did a post? Blogger must be wrong? And surely we can't already be coming to the last week of June? I guess time flies when your not doing anything, and not doing anything is what I've been doing a lot of, so I haven't really had anything much to post on.
Over the last few weeks, there have been a few more fledgelings hanging around the garden, and the local Robins, who fledged this lot back in mid-May, have now managed to fledge another lot, meaning twice the amount of Robins kicking about in the garden, and twice the opportunity to get some photographs of them. I'd be lying if I said photographing garden Robins was even a little bit hard, and as long as you have some kind of incentive (such as delicious mealworms), they will not hesitate to come within a few metres, and I think I'm starting to earn this guy/gal's trust...
Wherever mum was, you could be sure that kids weren't far away...
It appeared that the Blue tits hadn't had the best year when only one fledgling visiting the garden with the adults back at the end of May.
It must have only flown the nest that morning, or the previous day, as it could barely fly, and I only noticed it had landed on the paving in front of the french windows after opening the door to let the cat in, and catching the slightest movement to the left of her as she pranced up to the door to say hello. There was a heart in mouth moment as she literally stepped over the bird, and I think its safe to say that at 17 years old, senior moments are getting the better of her!
Safely hidden in the Pyracantha bush...
And finally, a youngster from Bushy Park back on the 27th May, in the form of an Egyptian gosling that couldn't have chosen a more classic cuteness pose...
Everybody say ahhhhhhhhh... shoot the invasive species!
(only joking about that last bit)
Lovely images. The first two robin shots, in particular, are excellent. The robins in my garden are much more skittish and fly off at the smallest disturbance, so I envy you the proximity. Still, though, fabulous shots.