07 April, 2011

Getting All Nostalgic and Stuff

Getting All Nostalgic and Stuff

I've been having a little rustle through some old picture files on the computer, containing bird photos which date back to 2008 when I first started taking an interest in the natural world. My searches took me back to the beginning of that year, when I first discovered my parents Olympus 3x optical zoom point and shoot camera. This would become my weapon of choice for the next few months, as I went out into the garden every evening after school to try and capture the garden birds in action.

I am short of material at the moment, so I thought I'd post a few of the very first bird photos I ever took (this is exclusive stuff right here). The funny thing is, I even use to rate some of the photos...

3 star rating... (5 stars if you can tell what bird this is)

Coal tit (4 star rating)...

Greenfinch (4 star rating)...

Robin (a full 5 star rating)... I'm contemplating sending this one to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

I'll try and get out somewhere over the weekend so you won't have to look any more of my excellent photography, maybe for Wheatears at Bushy Park, or maybe I'll go prancing about for a few early butterflies.

One last thing, if you haven't already noticed, I've started tweeting on Twitter, and if you can't get enough of me, then you can follow me by clicking here, or by clicking on the link in the sidebar which says to follow me on twitter. That is all.


  1. Hi Billy,
    Just found your excellent blog. At last someone with a sense of humour!! Will ad you and visit again,


  2. Will Chaffinch get me 5 stars, Billy ?

  3. Dave- Cheers for stopping by. Glad you enjoy it!

    Dean- Very close, but its actually an Eastern Crowned Warbler.


