22 March, 2011

Celebration time!

Celebration time!

Had a call from NASA yesterday asking me to take some shots of the moon last night, which was apparently going to be much brighter and larger than usual, cos' its closer or something like that.

With my busy schedule, I had to reject the offer this time, but at about midnight, I found myself with a few seconds to spare, so I whacked up the exposure metering thing, and went for it. To be honest, I was expecting something a little bit bigger, isn't the solar system such a let down?

Oh wow- just as I was about to post this, I realised that this is also my 150th post, and since I didn't celebrate the 100th post, lets do it now!

Woooo! Yeahhhh! Get in there!!! Woahhh! Oh yeah! Woo... yeah... cool... OK... boring.

I'll go fetch the champagne, although on second thoughts, perhaps a Tuesday night is a little bit of an inappropriate time to pop off the cork... I'll get the vodka instead.

Hows about a bit of Kool and The Gang to get everyone in the party mood!

Thanks to all the blog readers out there (I know the three of you), and feel free to stick around for the rest of this year's adventure.


  1. Kool and the gang....good choice! That picture of the moon is amazing too. I looked at it at a friends house, he had a telescope set up to get a better look, early in the evening it looked huge1

  2. 150 posts! Well done Bill - I'm miles behind!!

    Keep up the great blogging!
