01 July, 2010

The Winning Streak Continues

The Winning Streak Continues...

Actually, that title is pretty debatable. The winning streak actually started and finished about a week ago, but Mr BT Home Hub and the laptop haven't been getting on recently and so Mr Home Hub decided to muck up laptop's internet connection, stopping me from posting this earlier in the week when it actually happened... if you follow my strings. Luckily though, I got them to apologise to each other and the internet is now back to normal.

Anyway, the winning streak refers to Hawk-moths, and only the night after catching the Elephant Hawk-moth, I caught the garden's second species of Hawk-moth, the Lime Hawk-moth.

Not quite as pretty, but still a very smart looking guy...

Enjoy. I'll try not to bore you with moths too often, except when I get a really good one, I'll save most things moth related for this blog... worth a peek if you like what you see here.


  1. Your pics are great. Wonderful moths, as good as any in tropical jungles!

  2. That's a wonderful moth, I wouldn't mind seeing more Bill.

  3. Excellent capture Bill. Would be more than happy to see one over here.
    I'll e-mail some info on the Frits etc. shortly. FAB.
