25 June, 2010

Ever Caught A Pink Elephant?

Ever Caught A Pink Elephant?

... I have, it was in the moth trap last night. No, it wasn't a real elephant, that would be a bit weird, and it wasn't a drug either... it was a brilliant Elephant Hawk-moth and I'm still physically shaking from the experience.

It all started when I came back from a gig and decide to put out the trap for a while. I wasn't expecting much as it was late. After 20 minutes, I heard 'the thud' that as any moth trapper will tell you, means that you need to run-to-the-trap-as-quickly-as-possible-because-you-have-something-big-on-your-hands.
With small container at the ready, the ones you put pee samples in (don't ask how I got them), I ran to the trap... and there it was.

You don't need to know my first thoughts because they included some bad words, but my second though was "I'm gonna need a bigger container", so I rushed back into the kitchen, came out with a large sandwich box and potted the moth, knowing I wouldn't get any sleep thinking about photographing the thing in the morning.

Morning came and I woke up at the bloody early time of 11am, instead of late afternoon... the things I'd do for a flippin' moth! I stuck it on a leaf and here is the finished result...

That is one stupidly beautiful moth.

Look at that thorax. Get a load of that trailing edge to the hindwing. Don't even get me started on the leading edge and that mouth watering basal cross-line. Kill me now please...

And if you thought that was all, think again. I also caught a Leopard Moth, another exotic looking moth that I'd ask out any day... if I was a moth...

And if your not already on the phone buying a heavy duty moth trap, then this should make you. A Blotched Emerald in all its blotched beauty. One of two which I also caught last night...

I'd just like to say that this is actually what these moths look like, so colour enhancing or stuff like that. Now if these moths don't rock your boat, flip your haystack or ruffle your feathers, then I don't know what will!


  1. Written with 100+% excitement. Excellent, Bill.
    Now go and have a dose of Bromide ;-)

  2. Bill. I had seen your previous post "fledgling fotos" and was about to post my comment when I found "ever caught a pink elephant", your latest offering. Even putting aside your words of enthusiam, I am amazed by the beauty of this creature and your expertise in giving us such a pure and demonstrative photograph. It is quite literally your best yet and well deserving of a prize were one in the offering. Add to it your obvious joy and enthusiasm and Oscars come to mind! Brilliant but as importantly, sheer professionalism of which you should be proud, very proud.
