A lone female Chaffinch has been visiting the garden the winter. Unfortunatly, she seems to be quite low down on the pecking order so was regularly getting pushed off the feeder by Greenfinches, Great tits and Blue tits. Whats more is that she can't find any food on the ground because of all the snow. Things couldn't be much worse for her...
Look at that sad and lonely face, why not sponsor this Chaffinch for only £2 a month by calling 0800 657 306. She needs your help

Hi, Just come across your blog. Love all your photographs, the owl ones excellent. My husband and I also live in Surrey and are visitors to RHS Wisley, Bushy Park, Claremont etc...
Hi Billy, Jackie's husband Phil just to say that I agree with my wife very good photographs. We have have a Fujitsu camera bigger then our normal Sony Cybershots.
What sort of setting do you use I wonder?
Thanks for the kind comments guys, you both have great blogs and I will add you both to my links list. In answer to your question Phil, I shoot most of my shots in AP (Auto-Priotry or whatever!)setting, this gives me the feedom to choose my F-number (I usually go for 5.6).I leave the camera to automatically select my shutter speed.
The camera we use is a Fujitsu
S5800 I forgot to say.
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