11 October, 2011


Why the lack of blog posts, you ask?

Well, I've been dedicating my time to other things, namely child-rearing. To be honest its pretty simple really, despite what others would tell you. Just put them in a cage and feed them leaves every now and again.

Now before you reach for the nearest phone to call Childline, perhaps I should point out that I am of course talking about Early Thorn caterpillars, and just in case anyone is unsure as to how a caterpillar turns into a pwetty butterfly, then observe...

A few days after hatching (15th August)...

About 20 days old...

Look at me, I'm a spiky thorn...

45 days old...

Look at me, I'm a twig...

Look at me, I'm a chrysalis...

Look at me, I'm a chrysalis inside a leaf...

60 days old...

A pwetty butterfly finally emerges (2nd generation adult Selenia dentaria to be more precise)...

A more detailed explanation of the complete process of metamorphosis can be found below...

1 comment:

Bob Bushell said...

A great piece of work Bill, and, I'll put the phone away.