A post on Skippers...? Bit random I know but whilst I upload Brown Shrike photos (yes, you heard correctly, BROWN SKRIKE PHOTOS!!!!!!!). Here are some shots I've taken this year on skippers, skippers and more skippers. Plus two rare skippers at the end!
Large Skipper...
A Lulworth Skipper, taken on a Dorset headland. It's last stronghold in the UK...
An Essex Skipper...
And the two gems of the butterfly world, Dingy and Grizzled Skipper... both in serious decline and very rare.
Grizzled Skipper...
I don't know 'bout you but I'm all skippered out... think I'm gonna' go and sit down in front of the X-Factor in a minute and swear at those two Irish twins... nah you guys are cool, just a tiny bit out of time!