31 May, 2017

3 weevils, 1 figwort

I was in Coombe Wood again this afternoon collecting more SANG-related data (all was explained a few posts back here). On my way out I noticed some knackered Figwort with half-eaten leaves, and a lightbulb immediately lit up above my head followed by a serious thought process within my head. I'd seen this before. I know it. It's feeding damage by a weevil of some kind. something. Cio? Ciona? Cionus weevils! Got there in the end. Tristan Bantock found me these on Bookham Common a couple of years ago and I've been eagerly keeping an eye out for them ever since.

Weevil damaged Figwort

On closer inspection there were 3 species of this fantastic little genus loitering on a small clump of Figwort: alauda, hortulanus and scrophulariae. Conveniently they all have quite distinctive markings so identification isn't too much trouble. 

 Cionus hortulanus

 Cionus scrophulariae

Cionus alauda

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