04 June, 2016

Diamond-back Moths

Diamond-back Moth

Diamond-back Moths have been blown over to Britain from mainland Europe in unimaginable numbers recently, with some recorders along the south-coast catching upwards of 1000 individuals in the past couple of nights. The migration potential of this species is well-documented, but the scale of this particular influx is awesome. Walking through the fields north of Worcester on Thursday I could barely move a few steps without kicking up half a dozen moths. Even in the city centre, there were Diamond-back Moths resting on the pavement along Worcester's busy high street, and from the reports on social media, this seems to be the situation in all four corners of the UK.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to suggest that millions (perhaps even billions) have dropped out of the sky across the UK in the past few days, perhaps originating from eastern and southern Europe where it can be a 'pest' of agricultural crops. Moths never cease to amaze!

Celypha lacunana

Angle Shades

Common Swift

Black-tailed Skimmer

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