You knew it was coming. A far-flung, people-less part of the UK is beckoning me again. This time I'm heading up the west coast of Scotland to a small croft called Kintra, nestled into the western side of Mull where I'll spend my time practising organic farming in exchange for food and accommodation, and then in my spare time hike, swim, bird and... you guessed it, moth my way across the island. It's all come about through signing up to the fantastic WWOOF scheme, which you can find out more about here.
I've got a fair bit of land to travel over before I reach the Hebrides and my rucksack is already back-breakingly heavy, so I won't be taking my laptop with me. Unfortunate in that I won't be able to update the blog on a regular basis, although I must admit I'm really looking forward to the lack of screens after spending much of the autumn, winter and spring sat in front of the computer writing essays!
Don't despair though. I'm taking a camera with me, so if I do happen to come across a computer along the tideline, you'll be the first to know how I'm doing. If I can find this weird, magical thing they call 'Wi-Fi', then you also keep up to date with how many Orcas I'm seeing everyday through the medium of my Twitter account.
All that I guess is left is for me and this White-legged Damselfly from Norbury Park yesterday to wish you all a fantastic summer filled with biodiversity.
Yo Billy boy! Me and Teresa sat in a cafe in Tobermory. She's just found out you're staying at the place she's gonna come and work in July! Mental! Graham G