01 May, 2015

Incurvaria pectinea

Incurvaria pectinea

A real spring gem that is fairly easy to find during the day around birch trees, I found this nice example of Incurvaria pectinea resting amongst bluebells in Shrawley Wood during a recent uni field trip. It's situations like this when I find it always helps to carry a spare specimen pot or two in my rucksack, even when I'm not in moth mode!

For anyone wishing to gen up on their Incurvaria identification, I made this brief comparison based on moths caught on my local patch last spring...


  1. Great Bill! keeps your curiosity and good luck in the study!

  2. I need this exact thingg after sweeping one this morning! I may ask yuo to swing by when I have photos up!

  3. Thanks both - happy to take a look when your photos are up, Ali!
