The whereabouts of the only other British record is unknown, but as is often the case with interesting insects, many unfortunately find themselves hidden away in private or personal collections, never to be seen again- or only to be thrown away many years later by nonchalant relatives. No doubt this moth will be in good hands with the rest of the historical collection...
26 June, 2014
Goodbye moth
Running a few errands up in town, I made a brief detour to the Natural History Museum to meet veteran Lepidoptera curator Martin Honey, and to hand over Euchromius cambridgei (see more here) for pinning and further examination. After filling in the relevant donor form, I was given a peek at the surprisingly large existing collection of the genus Euchromius; consisting of four shelves of around 50 species, with most originating from around the Mediterranean and Middle East.
The whereabouts of the only other British record is unknown, but as is often the case with interesting insects, many unfortunately find themselves hidden away in private or personal collections, never to be seen again- or only to be thrown away many years later by nonchalant relatives. No doubt this moth will be in good hands with the rest of the historical collection...
The whereabouts of the only other British record is unknown, but as is often the case with interesting insects, many unfortunately find themselves hidden away in private or personal collections, never to be seen again- or only to be thrown away many years later by nonchalant relatives. No doubt this moth will be in good hands with the rest of the historical collection...
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