13 May, 2014

The art of procrastination

As you can probably tell by the lack of activity recent, Bill's Birding recently realised that he should cut down on the nature stuff and actually start planning 5,500 words worth of assignments he has to hand in this week. 

Of course, just realising that I should do them doesn't mean that I actually will. For example, the other day, instead of starting a 3000 word assignment titled 'The Practical Study of Soils', for whatever reason I found it much more enlightening to attempt to sketch the external differences between our two commonest Eristalis hoverflies, albeit with a really, really bad end result...

The weather forecast for the next couple of days is looking more and more delicious by the hour, and I'm finding it very hard to resist the urge to head out into the miles of countryside that can be found just a few minutes cycle from Uni, what with all the day-flying insects that are no doubt on the wing as I write this. Just a few more days before hand-in date, and then it'll be time to chill with a celebratory beverage... and a sweep net.

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