29 April, 2014

Whimbrels & Wagtails on the patch

I was back at Grimley yesterday afternoon for the first time in two weeks, and what a difference those two weeks seem to have made. More spring migrants have arrived, with Sedge Warblers singing from the reedbeds, a Common Tern fishing on the main lake and up to 4 Common Sandpipers feeding along the shoreline.

As I'd been hoping, amongst the 'commoners' were some fantastically scarce inland migrants, including a Whimbrel that had done the right thing and stayed overnight for moi, after it had originally been found on Sunday. It spent most of its time associated with a very flighty Curlew, which also happened to be my first on the Pits...


There were some seriously jaw-dropping wagtails present, with an obliging Yellow and two White Wagtails feeding along the western shoreline...

Yellow Wagtail

White Wagtail

Common Whitethroat

... Hopefully the swarms of these currently emerging will entice a few more birds onto the Pits by the end of the week.

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