08 April, 2014

Slender Groundhopper

Groundhoppers are the the first members of the Orthoptera family to emerge, with nymphs overwintering and becoming active in spring. I saw my first Slender Groundhopper of the year back on March 16th, but only managed to get decent views of an adult at Poswick Sewage Works last week. They come in pretty much all colours of the rainbow, but any grasshopper-like insect (with a thorax extending way past the legs) seen at this time of year is most likely to be this species. If you happen to be in Worcestershire, make sure you send all records of groundhoppers, grasshoppers and crickets to the brand spanking new 'Worcestershire Orthoptera' website here.


  1. UP here in VC85 that would be a very decent record!

  2. I love your blog - love Natalie xxxx

  3. Ali- Isn't the only Scottish population in the Cairngorms? Surely it must be hiding away elsewhere!

    Natalie- Yes Nat! Glad you like the blog- can't wait to oversee your future career in ornithology x
