21 April, 2013

Prehistoric Birds

I was going to post another update to the 1km square year list, but I've done that a lot recently, and your probably bored to buggery of it. So, instead, here is a Cormorant from an early morning walk through Richmond  Park recently. I was hoping to catch up with a few spring migrants passing through, with Common Redstart, Wheatear, Whinchat, Yellow Wagtail and Black Redstart all seen in the park this past week. Setting the alarm for 6am, I was in full birding mode by 7am, excited at the endless possibilities as to what could possibly turn up. I walked, and walked, and walked more, and saw nothing. Lots of nothing.

Not willing to accept defeat, I took the route back past Pen Ponds, and whilst there were, to my slight disappointment, no Slavonian Grebes displaying on the water, this Cormorant, fishing close in to the bank, was nice compensation...

Perhaps it's just me, Cormorants always seem to remind me of something almost prehistoric looking, especially when fishing in water. Certainly have that reptilian quality to them...

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