The first port of call was Gosport for the long-staying Ring-billed Gull, a North-American vagrant that has wintered in Walpole Park for the past 7 or 8 years. On arrival, it was still present, and was doing what any well-fed, urbanised Gull would do, nothing. The most exciting thing it did in the hour was break into a slow waddle when a slice of bread was thrown its way...
Moulting into some fine breeding plumage though...
A winter-plumage Mediterranean Gull was a nice bonus...
Next stop was the Glossy Ibis, feeding in a field behind a secluded Church off the A27, near Warblington. A very charismatic bird. The Moorhens were fascinated by it.
It showed quite well, until the Ibis decided to move further south towards the sea wall, giving a nice 30 second fly-by as it did so...
Later in the afternoon, news broke of a Red-breasted Goose over on Farlington Marshes. It seemed rude not have pop in on the way home...
Spot the Black Brant...
Dark-bellied Brent Goose dozing...
Dark-bellied Brent Goose reflecting...
I took loads more photos of Purple Sandpiper and Mediterranean Gull- too many for one post- so expect a few follow-ups in the next couple of days... try not to get too excited now.
Cracking set of shots, Bill.