25 January, 2013

Smew & Bittern at the Wetland Centre

With a free afternoon, I hit the London Wetland Centre at Barnes, with numerous reports of Bittern and a redhead Smew looking ever more appealing. I haven't been to the Wetland Centre since the start of the summer, and looking up at the admissions fee board on arrival, I can see why... £10.50 for adult admission (£11.50 with gift aid.. I always feel like a bit of a Scrooge when I don't) and £30 for a family of four to get in!
Once I'd got over the gaping hole in my trouser pocket, the birding was surprisingly good. A Peregrine briefly attempted to hunt Lapwings over the main lake before giving up, and a 'redhead' Smew- a rather scarce wintering duck in the London area- gave great views from Dulverton Hide along with a pair of male Pintail.

It spent most of the time diving around the far fringe of the lake out of sight, but after a bit of waiting, the Smew eventually gave a nice swim-by the hide.  Much better views than those of the Molesey bird a few days ago...

At least two Bitterns were active around the main lake, with this bird flying right across Dulverton Hide at one point; attempting to land on a tiny island, before continuing into the reeds...

A very distant Peregrine...

Highlight of the day though had to be parting with £6.50 for a Panini and a bottle of water... who knew birding could be so expensive?

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