15 January, 2013

Waxwings vs Mistle Thrush

Whilst enjoying the Bearded tits in Hyde Park, news came through of a small flock of 9 Waxwing feeding in a rowan tree just outside Guildford. Not really breaking news, especially considering this year's massive influx of birds into the UK, but if there was the chance of a photograph or two, I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass.

Arriving along a quiet lane in Peasmarsh this morning, there was no sign of any Waxwings, or anyone looking for Waxwings. It seemed as though it had just been a brief, one-stop visit, before the birds continued to better food sources elsewhere. Still, since the Rowan in question had quite a few berries left on it, I decided to give it a little while longer just in case they returned. With the thought of central heating and good cup of tea becoming ever more appealing, I was about to call it a day when, low and behold, enter Waxwing A...

and B...

Straight out of nowhere and down onto the Rowan bush... Jurassic Park!

In no time at all, the full group of 9 birds had descended; taking it in turns to feed on the slowly diminishing crop of berries before returning to digest them in a nearby tree.

They stayed for most of the afternoon, and everyone was having a good time, until...

Enter Mistle Thrush...

Mr. Thrush doesn't like other birds eating his berries. Mr. Thrush has protected his berries all winter, and won't stand to see them all gobbled up by a group of pink punks. In fact, Mr. Thrush is so angry at the Waxwings, that he decides to sit in the same tree as them- making lots of loud noises- and chase them away whenever they try and land on his beloved tree, until they finally give up and fly off.

What a grumpy old bastard.

P.S. Apologies if you came here, after reading the title, expecting images of Waxwings brawling with a Mistle Thrush. Probably a bit of a let down for you.

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