04 November, 2012

More Scilly Stuff

It's not all about rare birds on Scilly... I turned down a Solitary Sandpiper on Bryher to spend an afternoon in the company of Turnstones down by St. Mary's harbour, and do I regret it? Yes, a lot. Not really. Below are some of the commoner species to hit the camera...

Rock Pipit...

White Wagtail...

Common Redstart, an exhausted migrant which gave very little notice to passers by on the coastal path to Porth Hellick...

Wheatear, 1 of 500,000,000,000 on the islands during my stay...

Song Thushes are ridiculously tame on Scilly for some reason. You could walk over one and it would carry on doing... well, whatever it is Song Thushes do...

Same goes for Blackbirds on the islands, this one catching some rays on St. Agnes...

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