28 September, 2012

Yeah, I'm Still Alive

Quite a fair bit has changed since my last post back at the end of August. Got my A-level results - they weren't bad, but a D in Biology was a bit disappointing, so I'm planning on heading back to college to re-take the exams I flopped.

In the meantime though, I've got a nice long gap year to enjoy, and I've already booked myself in for full time retail at work over the Christmas period, so that should be extra fun. Before that though, I've decided to treat myself with a week away in a B+B on the Isles of Scilly in the second week of October. If all goes to plan, my arrival will coincide with the arrival of rare American vagrant birds, blown hundreds of miles across the Atlantic... can't wait.

Whilst I count down the days till twitching mania on Scilly, here's some stuff from Bushy Park the other morning...

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