27 May, 2011

Stay cool... everybody dusk

Stay cool... everybody dusk

Oh no! It's 10pm, its dark outside, and you've got so hooked on Glee, or whatever it is you watch on these T.V.s they have now, that you've totally forgotten to put the moth trap out. You can't be assed to get it out of the shed at this time of night, and anyway you think you can see rain clouds in the distance heading your way... so what do you do?

... Stay cool is what you do.

Fetch a net, fetch a few pots, fetch a torch, and most importantly, fetch a Stella. Sit down on the garden bench, and wait for the moths to come to you. You are now dusking.

I've been doin' a bit of it myself recently, with a combination of A-Levels, rubbish weather and other bits and bobs stopping me from putting the moth trap out. Here are a few of the commoner species in the garden at this time of year.

Flame Shoulder...

Treble Brown Spot...

Treble Lines- very original...

Common Marbled Carpet...

It helps to stay in touch with your Latin side if your brave enough to delve into the micro moths. Alternatively, you could just copy and paste the names from Wikipedia...

Pseudargyrotoza conwagana- you can't make this stuff up...

Argyresthia trifasciata- so small it makes blades of grass look big...

Crambus lathoniellus- a common species of 'grass moth' which you can expect to easily disturb from your lawn during the day...

Lathronympha strigana- had a nice orange glow to it in the flesh...

Traps out tonight, but the temperatures have dropped right down, so expectations aren't too high. Drop by again tomorrow for an exclusive bonus full catch report. Hows that for a hook?

1 comment:

  1. Great Post Bill...Looking forward to tomorrows update.
