23 July, 2010

Silver-washed Fritillary

Silver-washed Fritillary

The largest Fritillary in Britain, and one which I have never seen before; I was kindly given directions by Frank (The Early Birder) to Bookham Common just a few miles down the road, where the Silver-washed Fritillary will be reaching its peak.

With the weather window we needed, my mum kindly offered to take me to the Common on Monday, and we were greeted by 100s of these striking orange and black streaked butterflies.

They spent most of their time feeding on thistle in the sunny clearings, but were easily disturbed and without a proper macro lens, I used the telescopic; having the advantage of not needing to go too close to get a shot.

The sun was extremely bright, which produced many 'fried' images, but also a few ones that I don't think are too bad.

A side on view...

These guys will be on the wing throughout August so I might give it another shot at them... literally.


  1. Hi Bill. Good to see your visit was worthwhile. BTW that was me in the car park ... sorry should have introduced myself but it only dawned on me as I drove away that is was probably you and Mum.

    During a visit to the Banks Common side yesterday I saw 12 different species inc. SWFrits. I'll be popping over regularly so if you fancy company (and a lift) please shout. FAB.

  2. Some classy images, your macro is great and I really like the Avocets in the prevoius posts.

  3. Frank- Email sent, hope you got it.

    Sam & Lisa- Thanks for stopping by, glad to see you like the blog.


  4. Awesome images..Beautiful
