Well, study leave has started for me... and I haven't done a single birding, or bird related outing now for months, mainly because I haven't had the time, what with a busy routine of end of school parties and chilling out at home instead-- with the odd bit of revision here and there... ;-)
Anyway, a week ago now, I took a brief trip back to the wild bluebell woods in Shalford, Guildford. After missing the opportunity to see them back at the start of the month, I knew this would be my last chance, and I wasn't disappointed...

Once I'd finally finished prancing round the bluebell woods, I couldn't miss an opportunity to shoot this little white flower, a Greater Stitchwort...
Nor this Copper Birch tree in the evening sun...
There wasn't really that much else around, but a singing Firecrest was a new one for me, and a Whitethroat, fresh from Africa, sang in the surrounding hedgerows.