09 April, 2010

Breaking the Pattern

Breaking the Pattern...

I've noticed a pattern seems to be emerging in my choice of birding sites. I seem to go from Bushy Park to Barnes, to Bushy Park to Barnes and then to some other royal park somewhere.

The other day I decided to break this pattern and visited a wild Bluebell woodland in Shalford, just off of Guildford. The bluebells weren't out yet but at least I could get some early shots before they emerged, and then come back later in May when they emerge.
Spring migrants are starting to emerge, and there were quite a few Willow Warblers about- probably missing their luxury African holiday already- I know I would be! There were also plenty of Blackcap and Chiffchaff in full song.

The wild Bluebells, an increasingly rare sight...

The fantastic view over the Surrey countryside...

And finishing off with a belated posting of my attempt at shooting March's full moon...


  1. Bill - Would be interested to know exactly where the Bluebell woodland is. My girlfriend's over in Liss (about half an hour from Guildford) and would love to see a Bluebell wood in full flower.

    It would be such a chore for me of course. Suppose I'd have to take the camera and get gratuitous shots of Bluebells. Oh the shame.

  2. Sure thing, Fst0pped. Do you have an email address?

  3. Good thing to try a different location now and again Bill. Mine was to go to both your regular spots this month for a change!
    I have a couple of small bluebell woods on my doorstep (Horton C.P.) and the blooms are at least 2 - 3 weeks behind last year. FAB.

  4. Hi Bill. Just caught up with your recent postings and much enjoyed your work as usual. Bluebell time is a lovely event in the year and your return visit should be rich in flora and fauna. I particularly like your Heron - a common but nevertheless splendid creature. Take care and enjoy yourself being out and about. GRAMPS
