06 January, 2010

Garden Snow Birds

Garden Snow Birds...

Throughout yesterday and today SE England has had its fair share of snowfall, and our garden is no exception. I wasn't about to go out photographing in this weather, but instead chose to more comfortable vantage point of the bedroom window.

Redwing are used to this kind of weather in their Scandinavian breeding grounds, so the garden had a steady flow of these small thrushes throughout the day, making good subjects...

A few darker birds dropped into the garden during the morning, with noticably heavier streaking on the breast, and a darker, less defined supercilium on the face. Presumably just plumage variations, although I understand these features are also shared with birds of the Icelandic race.

Blackbirds are also enjoying the plentiful supply of berries in the Pyrancantha bush, and we've seen an increase in numbers recently, suggesting some birds might also be of Scandinavian origin...


  1. You're certainly making the most of that new lens! Nice shots.

    If only they'd cancel work for snow... Need to wait until the weekend for my fix.

  2. Nice pics Bill, I haven't managed any snow/bird pics yet.
    Your so lucky, no school again tomorrow.

  3. Nice blog. Must appreciate the picture of Garden Snow Birds on your blog. It was nice going through your blog.
