26 December, 2009

Festive few days...

A relaxing, chilled Christmas day was spent at home this year instead of the usual Christmas morning spent travelling up the M11 to Suffolk, or the A3 to Hampshire, and to start off the festive season, a Woodcock flew through the garden early on Christmas morning... a first record and very fine bird for an urban setting in Esher.

On a very crisp cold Boxing day, we took a stroll in Bushy Park, where part of the canal had flooded and created a mini-wetlands area, which seemed to have avoided freezing over. There was nothing much about apart from a few gulls and a heron, which fed in the morning light...

Grey Heron

Black headed Gull


  1. Not much maybe, but those gulls and the heron made for beautiful shots :)
    Maybe the other birds didn't get the word yet?

  2. Hi Bill and nice to know what you did before that dreadful journey up the M11 !!!!

