12 September, 2009

Secret Life of Wasps...

We've all killed them when they've landed on our beer glass or attacked our sandwiches, but the other evening I witnessed wasp behaviour that should be treasured, . A group of 5 or 6 wasps were peacefully drinking with other, out of the garden bird bath. These normally aggressive insects would take it in turns to land on the rim of the bath and take tiny wasp sips before departing to a nearby leaf to dry themselves in the evening sun, I grabbed the macro lens and started shooting. It was actually quite cute to watch and you would never guess that the next day these black and yellow beasts will be carrying out their next attack on the human kind!

Wasps Drinking

Wasp Drinking

Wasp Drinking

Wasp Drinking

Drying in the sun

Wasp in Flight


  1. Wow! These are amazing. I especially love the first one. They are like little birds, drinking from a birdbath.

  2. Good macro work Billy. I particularly like the one on the leaf. Far more interesting than I expected. Cheers FAB.

  3. A great set of macro shots, Bill.

  4. Hi Billy. Absolutely fantastic and fascinating too. I will view my bird bath in a different light from hereonin. However, what's this "our beer glasses" - does Dad know about your secret habits ? Only teasing. I am not sure which on your blog is the best - the stunning pictures or your clever and mature descriptive texts. Gramps

  5. Love the close Macro Images of your Wasp.

  6. A very fascinating read, thankyou. Fantastic photographs, keep up the good work.
