24 April, 2009

Scorched Sanderling!

Isn't it annoying when just before your about to take a shot of a new species and you some how manage to wack up the ISO without realising it!!

By the way I wouldn't look at this shot for too long, it will burn your eyes!


  1. You could try putting sunglasses on the camera...only joking. These things happen so better luck next time

  2. Hehe, might try that next time!

  3. Don't worry, Billy. That happens to the best sometimes. I've done it many times myself, or the dial has accitentally turned to manual when I think I'm in Av mode. Very annoying.

    Have you tried adjusting it with an image editing program?

    Looks like it would have been a good photo otherwise. They are very active birds, always on the move. You did well.

    Regards, Phil.

  4. Thanks Phil. That's exactly what happened, the dial turned to Manual!
    I only use photo editing on the internet to resize the photo.

