28 April, 2009

Birds at Barnes
Exams are over... wooooh! So a celebratory visit to Barnes was at hands. This time of year at Barnes is always productive as it holds many early migrants that are just beginning to enter the region.

There are a lot of warbler species around the reserve at the moment; I was lucky enough to catch up with 7 of those species, including Garden Warbler which is a totally new bird for me. Deep from within the reeds, a couple of Reed Warblers were singing away, but almost impossible to pinpoint.

After looking at this shot for a second time, I actually think it creates a very atmospheric mood as this male sung deep from within the reeds at Wildside...

There have been reports of 2 Lesser Whitethroats around the reserve as well- I really wanted to find one as this would be another new species for me. My wish was soon answered whilst closely examining an early Hornet chomping on a post. I suddenly heard the song of what sounded instantly like a Whitethroat but just that bit different, looking to where I thought the song was coming from, I noticed a small warbler at the top of a tree. Heavily cropping a shot I got of it reveals it is actually a Lesser Whitethroat... woooh!

And here's the Hornet I watched...

Walking back and I enjoyed the company of a Wren who sang his beautiful, loud song right in front of my eyes...

And here he is in action...

A Great tit was very curious of my presence, giving me the best views of the species I think I've ever had as it took a grub from under a leaf, maybe for it's newly fledged young?

By far the best event of the day was watching an absolutely beautiful male Kestrel devour what looks like a Lizard right in front of my eyes...

He even decided to fly towards me, giving amazing views and a great photography opportunity (still not as good as Phil's shot, though!)...

Couldn't have asked for much more... well, it would have been nice if those damn Little Ringed Plovers had showed themselves! ;)


  1. well done on the warblers.its a good score for a day total,ive got 11 warblers on my year list from anywhere.great shots ofthe kestrel.i like the last image the most

  2. Billy. A little bird told me that you did well in your mocks - good man and well done. Your pictures are good too and again well done.

  3. Beautiful pictures Billy, I love the ones of the Kestrel. I hope you have done well in your exams:-)

  4. A worthwhile visit with some excellent shots, particularly the Kestrel. Well done Billy.
    By the way there is a Surrey Bird Club walk at Bookham Common on Sunday 2nd @ 9am which could produce more sightings of Lesser Whitethroat plus many others - Are you interested?

  5. Lovely shots of the Kestrel Billy, great Wren images too.

  6. Sorry Billy, I made a mistake in the previous comment - The walk at Bookham Common is tomorrow (Saturday 2nd). Starts @ 9am from The Tunnel Car Park.

  7. Midlands birder- Thanks,and well done with getting so many warblers this early in the year!

    Gramps- Thanks, Grandpa!

    Lynmiranda- Thanks, the exams went ok, a couple were bad and a couple were good, best mark was a B ;)

    Frank- Sorry,Frank. Going to see family that day, I will keep an eye out for more guided walks by Surrey Birders and Surbiton Birders. Thanks anyway

    Paul- Thanks, I have to say, I quite like that Wren shot too! ;)
