09 December, 2008

Captive Birds

I have just found these shots of some of the captive birds at the LWC from a couple of weeks ago. I have only just started to get into the captive birds at the Centre as I used to not even give the birds a second glance whalst walking to the other hides (I feel really guilty). Now I fully appreciate how beautiful and cute these more exotic species are.
This Speckled Teal was quacking its squeaky call....

and another one was itching itself behind the ear (wherever its ears are).....

Just as cute as the Speckled Teal was the Ringed Teal, arrrrrr

Some wilder birds included Moorhens, a very opportunistic bird at the reserve.

On the way home I wanted to be a bit creative so I took this shot and captioned it Mag-by-Moon.

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